Heart Attack Symptoms

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There is usually a pattern to a heart attack. There are several signs, all included here that help with determining whether or not this is a heart attack. With this being said, a patient does not have to have everything on this list for it to be a heart attack. In most cases, if the person is showing two or more signs, it is important to call 911 and get help as it is more than likely a heart attack.

Pain in the Chest

There is usually a pattern to heart attacks. There are several signs, all included here that help with determining whether or not this is a heart attack.
There is usually a pattern to heart attacks. There are several signs, all included here that help with determining whether or not this is a heart attack.

The most common signs of a heart attack is having pain on the chest. The pain can be dull or it can be aching. People normally do not report sharp feeling chest pain. This pain is usually steady, does not increase or decrease with movement, and it often comes on suddenly. Often, those who have had this pain state that it is the worst pain that they have ever felt. For those who do feel serious pain in their chest that is dull when they take a deep breath or move, then they need to call 911.

Arm, Neck or Jaw Pain

The pain that is felt in the chest can radiate into other parts of the body. Most commonly people complain of having pain in their left arm, their neck, and their jaw. There are also those who experience pain in between the shoulder blades.

Shortness of Breath

The pressure that the person may be feeling in the chest is going to give the person the feeling that they are suffocating, which often leads to shortness of breath. There are also times in which heart attacks put fluid into the lungs, which can cause the shortness of breath. If you see a person coughing white or pink frothy sputum, while also having shortness of breath, this is serious and needs medical attention immediately.


When a person has a heart attack, there is stress being placed on the body, and sweat is the main way in which the body deals with stress. When coupled with the other symptoms listed, sweating is often another symptom to watch out for.


This is another way in which the body may be trying to tell you that something is wrong. Nausea is often the case when the body feels stressed, such as when the heart is under so much stress.


When the heart has pressure on it, it can decrease the blood flow, which can make a person feel extremely tired. When fatigue is present, this is a huge warning sign.

Passing Out (Syncope)

Blood pressure drops when the heart becomes damaged, and this often cuts off the blood flow to the brain. In these cases, this can lead to the passing out while having their heart attack.

Related Video On Heart Attack Symptoms

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