First Aid Training Classes in Windsor

Windsor First Aid is the best provider of first aid training classes in Windsor, Ontario. With the health care worker market becoming more and more competitive, first aid training has become very popular among students and professionals in the city. You can apply for first aid training programs, stand-alone CPR classes, and recertification programs with this St Mark James training provider. Students are offered the cheapest rates in the area. Teachers are experienced, professional and make the class an enjoyable experience. One day and two courses are available at various times during the week to help accommodate everyone’s schedule.  To sign up for CPR and first aid training classes in Windsor, Ontario click the link or button below.

Contacting This Provider

To register for a course or to inquire about prices or private classes use the following contact details:

Friendly customer service representatives will answer your questions or help with registration within minutes.

To Register for First Aid Training Classes in Windsor, Ontario Click Here Now

The latest first aid training

Treating for Shock and Checking for Breathing
First Aid Training Classes in Windsor

First aid training classes cover different emergency situations and injuries. Students are taught using hands-on training methods, with the latest training mannequins, AED trainers, and first aid training kits. Students are expected to have complete attendance, pass the written exam with at least 75 percent, and demonstrate first aid skills well to pass the class.

The entire program is completed in two days, 16 to 18 hours long. Stand-alone classes for CPR and AED are also available (three levels).


Once a student passes, he or she is awarded a St Mark James training certificate card (wall-mount sized certificates can be requested). These are only valid for three years and must be renewed afterwards. Recertification is available at least twice a week for the renewal of near-expired awards.


Applying Ice for Injured knee
Applying Ice for Injured knee in a first aid course in Windsor

No other provider in the area offers rates as cheap as Windsor First Aid. Tuition, taxes, certificates, registration with St Mark James, and training manuals are all included in the total fees. Trainees who drop out are entitled to full refunds, provided a 72-hour notice was given beforehand.

Staff and facilities

All instructors at Windsor First aid are certified by St Mark James. Classes are taught in high end training facilities throughout the city, all decked out with the latest training equipment. The facilities are easily accessible, within walking distance to free parking and public transportation.

Did You Know?

Managing diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease where the levels of glucose in the blood (a form of sugar from digested food) is persistently high. A healthy body produces enough insulin in order to lower the levels of glucose. the In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas do not produce insulin at all. This is known as insulin dependent diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to lower the levels of glucose. Type 2 diabetes is commonly caused by unhealthy diet and lifestyle and is called non-insulin dependent diabetes.

Insulin is used to manage both types of diabetes. In type 1, insulin is very important because the pancreas do not produce any insulin at all. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise (to work off the excess glucose in the blood), often needed oral medication. However, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes is typically managed with insulin as well.

Learn more about managing diabetic emergencies by enrolling in a first aid program today!