Learn About Infant and Child CPR

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Being a parent is a wonderful experience but at the same time entails huge responsibilities. As mums and dads, one of your top priorities is to ensure the health and safety of your children. Remember that infants and young children are prone to injuries because of their under-developed bodies, limited motor skills and lack of attention to safety. It is important for every parent to be acquainted with basic first aid skills, particularly infant and child CPR. This first aid procedure is crucial in saving the life of your beloved child in case of serious medical emergencies.

Where to learn infant and child CPR?

Basically, you can learn about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by completing first aid training courses under the supervision of a certified instructor. These training programs are usually offered by local St Mark James chapters, community centers, hospitals and some private organizations.

Instructors will guide you through the step-by-step procedure in administering CPR. They use a child-sized mannequin so that participants can see how to properly perform each step of the procedure – position of the first aid provider, how to open the airway, and proper chest compression.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a skill that requires practice. While it is more convenient to simply buy a self-help book or refer to first aid websites, attending a formal first aid class is highly recommended. Performing each step of CPR yourself – with the guide of an experienced instructor – can help you achieve the right techniques and remember it, so you will feel ready in case an emergency happens. You can find a first aid training program by visiting your local St Mark James chapter or checking the website of St Mark James.

What to expect in a CPR class?

You will be taught techniques on how to properly handle various life-threatening emergencies, for example a child is not breathing or is unconscious or is choking. The training course also involves modules about childproofing measures and accident prevention techniques. The first aid techniques for infants and older children are different, so it is best to learn both.

In an infant and child first aid/CPR course, participants gain knowledge about how to prevent, recognize and respond to different breathing and cardiac emergencies. There are also advanced courses that include modules on how to use automatic external defibrillator (AED), treat burns and wounds, and care for acute medical emergencies in infants and young children. These training programs are often five-hour long.

Too busy to attend a class?

For parents who do not have time to attend a CPR course, you can purchase CPR training modules, which includes a DVD, available from online St Mark James store. This guide contains self-help instructions about basic first aid procedures as well as how to prevent, recognize and respond in different first aid emergencies. The guide also contains information about how to prepare for emergencies and disasters. You can find a wide assortment of first aid resources through the St Mark James online store. Most of our training providers also offer private infant CPR courses in which the instructor can come to you at your convenience. Visit our “locations” page and select your location to find a provider that can send an instructor to you.

Basic CPR Training Video

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