Forearm muscle strain is partial or complete tear of the small fibers found in the muscles of the forearm. These tears are common since these fibers and muscles are in constant movement throughout the day and the weakest muscle is usually affected by the strain. The forearm muscle strain is graded into categories.
- Grade 1 – this type of strain is mild and muscles are mildly pulled and there is no tear in the forearm muscles or fibers. No weakness is produced in this type of tear.
- Grade 2 – this type of strain has moderate tearing of the muscle fibers or tendons at its connection to the bone. It causes mild loss of strength of the muscles in the forearm.
Severe pain when stretching the wrist and fingers. - Grade 3 – this strain is severe and causes complete rupture of the muscles fibers and tendons. Sometimes, there is separation of the fibers due to repetitive stress injuries such as excessive lifting heavy objects.
- Excessive stretching such as performing strenuous activities.
- Heavy object suddenly falling on the forearms can accidentally damage the muscles.
- Direct trauma inflicted to the forearm muscles caused by a fight or an assault
Risk factors of forearm muscle strain
- Muscle fatigue
- People playing sports such as golf, tennis, and hockey are susceptible
- Having a history of a forearm muscle strain
- Working repetitively using the forearms can cause weakening of the muscles.
- Severe pain when stretching the wrist and fingers
- Difficulty when flexing the wrist or the fingers
- Tenderness of the forearm and wrist
- Muscle spasms of the forearm
- Swelling in and around the forearm area.
- Take plenty of rest. Avoid performing activities that uses the elbow and forearm such as hard gripping. Perform lower-body workouts to maintain fitness of the body.
- Apply an ice pack on the affected area for at least 15-20 minutes at 4-6 times every day for 2 days to lessen the swelling and the inflammation of the area.
- Massage the affected area using the technique called the myofacial release to relieve the symptoms. The fascia is a strong fibrous sheath that covers a muscle which can become tightened and constrict the muscle. Regular myofascial forearm massage loosens the fascia and relaxes the muscle.
- Use a compression wrap for fast healing of the area. Avoid wrapping it too tight to prevent problems with blood circulation.
- Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises to improve the strength and the stability of the forearm as well as restore the range of movement of the affected forearm and return to the normal activities.
- Take the prescribed over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen to lessen the pain due to a forearm muscle strain.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on a forearm muscle strain is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage this type of strain by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.