Key Elements In First Aid Training Classes

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First Aid Training Center for First Aiders
First Aid Training Center for First Aiders

First aid training classes are integral to the survival of injured persons or those who have had an accident. The reason for this, as you would expect, is that when you have trained individuals, they are in a position to offer assistance when it is required the most. Preparation is key to ensure that those who need this help get it. To get to this point however, there are a number of facets that an individual must have gone through. This article focuses on some of the key elements that you will find in these classes.

Assessment of trainees

Training in first aid is not all there is to the first aid training classes. This is because once training is complete, the next step involves assessing the trainees to establish that they have acquired the necessary skills. This assessment is multi-facetted and will often involve the observation and verdict of the training instructor. It will also be accompanied by written performance assessments to ascertain that the trainees have received adequate training.

What about the update of skills for individuals who have gone through first aid training classes?

As you would expect, there could be a lapse of time between the training sessions and implementation of the skills for the same. Studies that have been carried out in the past have indicated that the period during which this information will be retained by the trainee ranges anywhere between 6 months and 12 months. Any period after the one year mentioned and it is less likely that the trainee will recall the skills that they were taught. It is for this reason that trainees are advised to undergo retraining at least every year. This is applicable to both CPR and AED skills. Take note that this is applicable for instructors as well. For non life-threatening conditions however, the time period for retraining could take a little longer.

Is there need to upgrade first aid training classes program?

The first aid program for the classes to be held must undergo review after set periods of time. This is done to make sure that the program is up to date and especially with modern techniques and procedures that aim to improve the program. This is also relevant for the use of first aid equipment and training material. First aid policies must also be amended when the need arises to make sure that the trainees leave informed.

When this is reflected at the work place, it is important for the first aid training classes to be reflective of the culture of the workplace. Consulting the experts in the field will also assist with plans to enforce the ideal policies as far as proper first aid training is concerned. First aid supplies must also be availed and ought to be readily accessible. Proper management of these elements of first aid is critical in the implementation and assessment of the first aid program.

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