Importance of First Aid Training in Schools

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Ensuring that children are safe while in school is one of the major priorities of parents, professionals and the Canadian government. This has made first aid training in schools to be more popular in the modern days than it was before. Having students and staff who are well equipped with first aid skills make a great difference in the entire safety of the schools because any emergency that occurs can be handled immediately.


Why First aid Training in Schools is Necessary

Many accidents occur in schools leading to fractures, wounds and many other health problems that need to be handled quickly before emergency service providers arrive. Providing staff and students with first aid training is a great initiative that ensures there is proper risk assessment and management in the schools. When an accident or any other emergency occurs, it may take even twenty to thirty minutes before an ambulance arrives. By having people with the right first aid skills and have confident on how to utilize the skills, emergency first aid can be done immediately, thus saving a life or preventing more damage.

Benefits to the Students

In addition, to empowering the staff members, training students of basic first aid ensures that they can offer help for others. They become custodians of each other whenever there is emergency situations that call for immediate attention. Students spend most of the time without the presence of their teachers. It is through first aid training in schools that the students can learn to be responsible for the welfare of each other. For instance, a student who becomes unconscious in the field or the dormitories can also be rescued if other students have the skills to deal with the specific problems before any other assistance is availed to the affected.

By making sure that the first aid training provided is interactive and incorporates all learning techniques, the students can gain knowledge that will help make the difference required for the health and safety of the entire school. Schools can also organize for approved course providers to deliver courses that will equip the students on how to manage emergencysituations and gain the required first aid skills. The basic skills offered in first aid training in schools are not only helpful in the school environment, but also in the community where students should apply what they learn in schools.

To ensure that the school is well equipped with trained first aid providers, the right number of students and staff need to be trained. The number should be determined by the entire school population. Those trained to offer help to young kids should take pediatric course that deals with infant and child resuscitation.


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