We are the best training provider of CPR that you will find in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii.We have eight different CPR courses, five in basic and advanced CPR and three accompanying re-certification classes. These courses are taught by instructors who are certified CPR rescuers as well. This maintains the quality of training in all of our providers. If you don’t live in Hawaii, you can sign up in any of our following providers in these cities: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland.
Training certification and renewal
The certificates that we award students with a valid for a period of 24 months before they expire. As long as they are still valid, they can be renewed for an additional 24 months. We do not accept expired certificates for renewal. Re-certification is offered for the following courses:
- Basic Life Support for HCPs
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Training in CPR and first aid
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a set of skills that we teach students to be prepared for cardiovascular emergencies such as stroke and heart attack. In CPR, a person has to perform chest compressions and give rescue breaths. During cardiac arrest when the heart isn’t beating, CPR manually pumps the heart to circulate blood through the body. It can also serve as ways to restore the spontaneous beating of the heart, along with defibrillation.
Defibrillation is done with an AED – automated external defibrillator. AEDs are machines that send electric shock from the machine through pads on the chest to the heart. Electric shock has been seen to help restart the heart and restore the circulation of blood in the body. AED training is included in all of the training courses we offer our students.
The training programs we offer are as follows:
- Heartsaver CPR – A Basic Life Support class for the general public, runs for 4 hours; it teaches basic CPR skills in chest compressions, rescue breaths, and defibrillation. This is an optional certification class, meaning that the students can opt not the take the certification exam and get certified.
- Heartsaver CPR (C) – A Basic Life Support class for healthcare providers, runs for 4.5 hours; it has the same curriculum as the first Heartsaver class but for HCPs.
- Basic Life Support for HCPs – Runs for the same amount of time as the other HCP class, for 4.5 hours. The BLS program teaches one and two-person CPR and the latest AHA guidelines for BLS.
Advanced CPR training
Advanced Life Support is based upon the BLS guidelines which focus on the restoration of spontaneous blood flow to the heart. But the term “advanced” refers to the additional interventions made when ALS is given to a victim. Along with compressions and rescue breaths, the use of drug therapy and support devices have been proven to increase the chances of the heart beating spontaneously.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support lasts 2 days, over a total of 16 hours. It teaches the management of adult victims. Pediatric Advanced Life Support lasts 2 days, over a total of 14 hours. With a similar course structure as ACLS, it teaches trainees how to manage pediatric victims.