First Aid Training Classes in Grande Prairie

Getting certified in first aid in Grande Prairie can be a daunting effort as many potential rescuers have questions and concerns. On this page, through the lens of a first aid program developer, we will discuss and answer a number of frequently asked questions regarding first aid training classes in Grande Prairie Alberta.

Is my Certificate Internationally Accredited?

Certificates that are earned outside of Canada are not accredited by any province and do not meet CSA standards. Participants sometimes try to renew a current award obtained elsewhere in the world but any certificate outside of Canada isn’t recognized by an provincially approved provider. It’s best to obtain your certificate from the province in which you will be taking your schooling or working in as each province might have additional information issued by medical advisor of that province.

If I get my certificate in Alberta is it Valid in BC? What about Vice Versa?

Yes, since the new CSA guidelines your certificate, as long as it was issued by an OH&S approved provider, your certificate issued in Alberta is valid in BC and vice Versa. This is true among all the provinces and territories in Canada.

What course is my popular? Basic Or Intermediate First Aid?

In Canada the most popular two courses are basic and intermediate first aid (the third course is advanced first aid). The most popular of the two is intermediate first aid (formerly standard first aid) and the course includes all the components of basic first aid but with additional materials for a second day. Far more employers and schools require intermediate first aid which makes this course significantly more popular.

Can I get CPR training without First Aid?

Yes, you can absolutely get CPR training without the first aid. Some of the most popular stand alone CPR courses include:

  • CPR level A
  • CPR level C
  • CPR HCP / Basic Life Support

These stand alone CPR courses are available through most credible and approved first aid and CPR providers in Canada such as St Mark James Training, The Canadian Red Cross, The Lifesaving Society and St. Johns Ambulance.

Who is the Best First Aid Training Class Provider in Grande Prairie?

Based on price, location, volume of courses, variety of courses, Google Reviews and customer service hours, Grande Prairie First Aid comes out as the leading provider of first aid training classes in Grande Prairie.

Did You Know?

Heart attack: immediate first aid

When you experience any signs and symptoms of a pending or on-going heart attack, take note of these immediate first aid tips:

  • DO call your local emergency number OR get someone to drive you to the nearest emergency room. DO NOT drive yourself if you can get help from someone else.
  • Take an aspirin or anti-anginal medication (such as nitroglycerin) prescribed to you.
  • If the person experiencing the symptoms falls unconscious, begin CPR immediately.