First Aid Training Classes in Lethbridge

Lethbridge First Aid offers prospective trainees the largest selection of first aid training classes at the most competitive rates. Students can surely find a class that fits their schedule and needs from the large selection at Lethbridge First Aid. Because all classes are taught by St Mark James instructors in high-end facilities and classrooms, students can rest assured they are receiving the best training possible.

Lethbridge First Aid

Quick and hassle-free enrolment

Red Cross Check Call Care program
First Aid Training Classes in Lethbridge

Signing up for a class is very easy. A list of classes and schedules can be found on the Lethbridge First Aid website, along with an on-line registration form. The student can also sign up through e-mail, telephone call, or walk-in during business hours in any of the training centres. The Lethbridge First Aid staff will be glad to help you with whatever query you may have.

Very competitive rates

Lethbridge First Aid offers rock-bottom course rates compared to other providers. Rates are inclusive of everything – taxes, certification fees, and St Mark James training manuals. These are paid in full during enrolment so trainees don’t have to worry about additional expenses. Should the trainee drop out, a full refund will be given to him as long as he gives a 72-hour notice beforehand.

Quality training classes

Completing a Tube Sling
Tube slings are used to immobilize injured limbs such as the arm.

First aid training classes and programs last 14-16 hours in total. Lessons such as emergency medical services (EMS), wound care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillation (AED) are given. AEDs are machines that are attached to the chest and supply the heart with needed shock. Students learn how to recognize and react to different emergency situations, especially injuries that compromise circulation and oxygenation.

Private instructors

Students can also book instructors for special training at home or events like company conferences. Instructors have different rates and schedules so just send an e-mail or a give a call to inquire about booking them, All instructors at Lethbridge First Aid are certified by St Mark James.

Certificate cards and wall-mount certificates

To pass a program, the following are required from the student:

  • Complete attendance
  • 75 percent on the written exam
  • Good demonstration of skills
CPR Pocket Mask and Case
CPR pocket mask for rescuers on-the-go.

Certificate cards are awarded to all students who pass their enrolled class but wall-mount certificates may be requested. These certificates are only valid for three years and must be renewed through recertification programs. Standard first aid recertification, which is valid for 3 years,  is 8 hours long, held twice a week, and is inclusive of CPR level C or HCP recertification.

Did You Know?


Bandages are used to immobilize an injury (such as an ankle or wrist), keep gauze in place to control bleeding, and to prevent swelling. First aid rescuers are taught to do basic bandaging (seen in the video below). Improper bandaging can cause poor circulation of blood and could even worsen the injury so learning how to do it properly is important. An important tip to remember is that the bandaged should be firm but not constricting, and that the overlap between each roll around the limb/area is a third of the width. Learn more with the video below.