First aid treatment for joint dislocation

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Dislocation means is an injury in a joint where two or more of the bones come together, in which one of the bone is forced from their normal positions. These painful injuries deform and immobilize the joints, and are common in the shoulders, fingers and toes, hip, elbow and ankle. Sometimes, the bones in the joint shifts but will not be totally dislocated which is called subluxation but can be very dangerous. While the bone shifts back into their original position, you can feel pain until they do.

The cause of dislocation is usually a trauma that is caused from a fall, vehicular accidents or a collision that occurs during contact sports.

In adults, the most common occurrence of dislocation is the shoulder, and elbow dislocation is common in children. A thumb is also vulnerable for dislocation if forcing it to bend the wrong way.

A joint dislocation can cause damage to ligaments, tendons, nerves and muscles. Some people are prone to dislocation because of congenital conditions like hypermobility syndrome. This is a condition in which the joints move beyond the normal range expected for a particular joint. The stretched ligaments of the joints provides stability and the joints can be easily dislocated.

Keep the person still and do not attempt to move the person unless it is necessary.

The following are symptoms found in any type of dislocation

  • There is intense pain in the injured area
  • A joint instability
  • There is a reduced muscle strength
  • Difficult to move the joints
  • A deformity of the joint area
  • There is bruising or redness of the joints

First aid treatment for joint dislocation

  • Call for help before you begin any type of first aid treatment on the joint dislocation.
  • Check the breathing of the injured person, and make sure there is nothing obstructing the airway. Perform CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) or rescue breathing if there is a need. Make the bleeding stop before beginning first aid for joint dislocation.
  • Keep the person still and do not attempt to move the person unless it is necessary. Move the person by holding the clothes not his body.
  • If there are no sterile bandages available, cut a piece of clean cloth and cover the wound to prevent infections.
  • Splint or immobilize the bone in order to immobilize the bones and joints. If the individual will move a dislocated joint, there is a risk of further injury and cause pain to the injured person.
  • There should be enough blood flow in the injured area, by pressing near the injury, the skin should be white, and then immediately it will get its color back.
  • Just keep the victim calm until medical help arrives by covering the individual with a blanket to keep him/her warm. Observe the patient for shock that might occur any time after the injury happened.
  • Apply an ice bag to the dislocated joint to relieve from pain.

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