First Aid Care for A Toothache

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First Aid for Tooth Pain
First Aid for Tooth Pain

Many individuals suffer from toothache every now and then. Even if it only occurs occasionally, it cause a lot of pain that some find too agonizing to endure. The main cause of toothache for many children and adults is tooth decay. The bacteria that are present in your mouth flourish on the starches and sugars from the foods that you have eaten. It eventually leads to the formation of plaque that sticks on the surface on your teeth. This is the reason why it is important to brush your teeth regularly so that the bacteria are drastically reduced and you keep your bones nice and healthy to prevent any damage.

Setting an Appointment with the Dentist

Due to the acids generated by the bacteria, it has the capability to weaken the hard white coating on the exterior of the teeth, resulting to the formation of a cavity over time. The first sign of decay is pain once something sweet, very hot or very cold is eaten. Once you experience a toothache, it usually indicates that it is time to set an appointment with your dentist. Do not simply ignore the problem since it might only get worse.

If you or a family member is suffering from toothache, you can perform first aid care in order to alleviate the pain and discomfort. While waiting for you scheduled appointment at your dentist, you can perform the first aid care.

What Should You Do With a Toothache?

Initially, you have to rinse your mouth with warm water. The next step is to use a dental floss in order to remove any food particles that might be stuck in between your teeth. After that, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever in order to help minimize the pain and discomfort. Lastly, apply an antiseptic that contains benzocaine directly on the affected tooth and gum to relieve the pain temporarily. For children below 2 years old, avoid using benzocaine without supervision from your dentist. Do not use more than the recommended dose of benzocaine. Additionally, you can also apply oil of cloves since it can also help with the pain. Lastly, do not apply aspirin or any painkiller directly on your gums since it can burn the gum tissues.

How to Relieve the Pain of a Toothache?

Once you have performed the first aid care measures for toothache, it is important to observe if the pain eventually subsided. There are also cases when it is best to visit your dentist. If there are signs of infection such as pain when biting, swelling, reddish gums and foul discharge, immediately consult your dentist. If pain lasts for more than a day or more, fever is present and trouble swallowing or breathing, it is important to go to your dentist right away. These might indicate an even more serious condition or the damage to your teeth and gums that requires immediate attention.


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