Why Crowd Control Is Included in First Aid Training Classes

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One of the fundamental skills that are taught in many first aid training classes is how to implement crowd control during emergency situations. This skill is focused on dispersing spectators and bystanders around the area of an accident or the area where first aid interventions are being done to an individual. Even though this skill might seem too basic or useless, it is actually very important during the administration. Here are some of the reasons why it is necessary to learn about crowd control in first aid training classes.

It prevents crowd or herd mentality

In January 2011, editors of the South University website published an article which contains excerpts from their interview with South University’s Psychology director Tamara Avant about the psychology behind crowd control. According to her, crowd control can make inappropriate behavior seem appropriate when it is being done by many all at the same time. The perfect example of this phenomenon is sporting events wherein yelling has become the norm.

During emergency situations, having no sense of appropriate and inappropriate behavior can inhibit rescuers from administering proper first aid. Aside from distracting the rescuers, members of the crowd who exhibit inappropriate behavior can also raise the anxiety level of the individual who is being rescued. Dispersing crowds would prevent the buildup of people who will most likely exhibit crowd mentality.

Carrying and Pulling a Victim
Carrying and Pulling a Victim

It prevents mass hysteria

Mass hysteria is used to describe an event wherein a community, tribe or a group of people seem to exhibit the same symptoms and the same belief that these conditions are only caused by one disease. According to an article that was published in the Psychology Today website, this event can happen at any time and any place. In emergency situations wherein an individual is actually suffering from an unknown medical condition, onlookers and bystanders may begin to experience the same symptoms through mass hysteria even though these symptoms do not really exist. This can distract rescuers from immediately giving care to the individual who actually has a medical problem. Through crowd dispersal, mass hysteria can be prevented by ensuring that bystanders and onlookers have nothing to mimic.

These are just some of the reasons why it is important to look for first aid training classes which also tackle crowd control and dispersal techniques. These techniques can help save the lives of people who are experiencing actual medical emergencies and make it easier for rescuers to do their job.

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